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Dedicated to Helping People Overcome Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, and Mental Health Issues

Tri-County Help Center is a private, non-profit contract agency of the Mental Health and Recovery Board serving Belmont, Monroe, and Harrison counties in Ohio.


Am I being abused?

It can be hard to tell whether what you’re experiencing is really abuse. Physical abuse is what most people think of when they hear the word “abuse”, but there’s a lot more to it.

Have I been sexually assaulted?

Sexual assault includes much more than just rape, and one out of four women will be assaulted within their lifetime.

Am I being stalked?

Stalking can make you feel fearful, depressed, helpless, and as though your life is out of control. It is a form of abuse, and its effects can be just as severe.

These problems are not your fault.

You did not do anything to provoke the attack against you. These acts are committed out of an attacker’s need to exert power and control, not out of love or desire.

At Tri-County Help Center, we are dedicated to helping people overcome domestic violence, sexual assault, and mental health issues. Our services are available in Belmont County, Monroe, and Harrison County in Ohio.

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