Victim Assistance Services
Victim Assistance Services
Victim assistance services are free and funded through various local, state, and federal grants.
Peg’s House
Peg’s House
Peg’s House is a free, confidential 24-hour emergency shelter that offers survivors of domestic violence and sexual abuse and their families a safe place. Shelter Advocates staff the shelter 24-hours a day 7 days a week and provide 24-hour crisis hotline, non-judgmental support, and safety planning. Clients at Peg’s House also have access to all other TCHC services.
Legal Advocacy
Legal Advocacy
Legal advocates help victims of domestic violence and sexual assault navigate the complex criminal and civil court system, assist with protection orders, and make referrals for legal services and/or community needs. Legal advocacy is available in Belmont, Harrison, and Monroe counties.
Rape Crisis Advocacy
Rape Crisis Advocacy
Sexual assault survivors have access to this program that implements 24-hour on-call rape crisis advocates who have received specific training to be able to provide hospital accompaniment to sexual assault victims. Rape crisis advocates provide any follow-up contact with information and referrals.
24-Hour Crisis Hotline
24-Hour Crisis Hotline
Support Staff provides 24-hour crisis hotline services through our emergency crisis hotline. This is immediate, short-term help to individuals who may be experiencing an event that produces emotional, mental, physical, or behavioral distress. Crisis Hotline services also include safety planning and making appropriate referrals, if necessary.
Community Education
Community Education
Community education is available to provide educational presentations, trainings and consultation to any organization, agency and church group, etc. upon request.